Evangelization Treasures

Sharing about the Letter “V” in EVANGELIZATION

“V”: Voice your faith.
There is a music competition show out today called The “Voice” and to make it through the first round, the contestants are judged strictly by their voice alone. The judges never see what the contestants look like, what they wear or how they present themselves on stage. The only factors the judges have to evaluate are by the sound of the voice and how the judges were moved by the way the song was presented.
We are all called to share God’s love and to move others about how much God loves us. Nothing fancy is required. When you voice your faith with others, don’t worry about sharing theology and lengthy quotes from scripture. Just focus on planting seeds. Be sincere and talk about your faith as though you are sharing the words to your own special love song with God.
People may not always remember exactly everything that you say to them, but they will always remember how you made them feel. So, voice your faith and love for God with the same passion as the contestants on the “Voice”, Leaving others feeling moved with the desire to create their own love song with God.