Evangelization Treasures



In 1 Cor. 11:1, St. Paul instructs us to follow his example the way he follows the example of Jesus. Every day we have many opportunities to be an example to others by our words and our actions. You may not think this is a form of Evangelization, but indirectly it is, because you are showing others how to be an example of Christ. Remember the acronym WWJD from a few years back? The WWJD slogan was born out of Charles Sheldon’s 1896 novel, In His Steps. The lead character suggested that if each person asked “What Would Jesus Do?” with each decision they made, the world would be a much better place. Each time we Do What Jesus would Do, We are indeed, Evangelizing! WWJD = EVANGELIZATION.

An inspiring example of Evangelization is portrayed in the following true story regarding my dear friend: As a grandmother, she unexpectedly received word that her 9 month old grandson was killed as a result of physical abuse by the baby’s father. As expected, the family and friends of this precious baby were all quick to condemn as they were consumed with bitterness and anger. At the funeral, there wasn’t a dry eye due to the tragic circumstance and the room was filled with unforgiveness. When the grandmother gave the eulogy, the unexpected happened. Instead of speaking about anger, she spoke about forgiveness and how the only way to move forward was to dig deep in their hearts to forgive the man who killed her precious Grandson. This story shows how following Jesus’ example leads to Evangelization. We may not all face situations as tragic as this, but we all have opportunities in our everyday lives to ask ourselves,” What Would Jesus Do?”, and then follow His example. Be that example as best as you can!