Scripture Treasures

Your words are my joy and my heart’s delight.

Jeremiah 15:16: “Your words were found, and I devoured them.
Your words are my joy and my heart’s delight,
because I am called by your name, O Lord God of Armies”.

I love this verse in Jeremiah as it truly describes how I feel when I get lost in scripture and listen to God speak to me. There are times when I don’t want to stop reading because God’s words truly become the joy of my heart. When I feel down or lost and confused about the trials in life, I turn to scripture to find my answers and every time I take the time to visit with God, the Holy Spirit always leads me to just what I need at each and every moment. I encourage you all to lean on God when you are in need of his guidance and love so you too can be brought to the same comfort and peace!

2 thoughts on “Your words are my joy and my heart’s delight.”

  1. Wonderful words to live by. We should all try and do this more. I know I need to.

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