Overcoming Food Addiction Treasures

Trust in Lord with all your heart

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

I just completed a 10 day detox through Dr. Mark Hyman’s book called, ” 10-Day Detox Blood Sugar Solution”, which included healthy whole foods with no sugar, dairy, gluten, coffee, etc. Sugar and carbs have been my addiction and my go to for when I didn’t want to deal with my emotions and to numb the stress and pain I was feeling. Little did I know, it was only causing me to have more pain and more issues left undealt with and pushed way down. During the detox we had to take a detox bath each night with epsom salt, baking soda and lavender oil. It was so relaxing, but my emotions sure came out when alone in the bath to do nothing but deal with all the feelings I experienced. I wasn’t able to turn to sugar or carbs or anything of the sort for comfort. It was the first time in my life where I was faced with really learning to find a new way to handle my emotions, anxiety and stress. I learned to just sit in my bath and allow the feelings to come out and truly feel them. I cried a lot, turned to God in prayer and praise music to confirm his love for me and for me to love myself more as well. Throughout the 10 days, I also journaled my feelings and turned to my walks, meditation, breathing techniques and reading and writing to occupy my time. As a result, I eventually ended up not missing the sugar at all!

It was a true eye opener about how I was living my life and how I was turning to all the wrong places for my comfort through food, tv, social media, shopping; the list goes on. I’ve always known to turn to God for my all my feelings and trials and that HE could be the only one to bring me comfort. However, in addition to turning to God, I over ate the sugar and carbs as well. It didn’t allow me the total dependance on God I needed away from the food to see more clearly how to handle my issues and feelings when they arose.

My biggest lesson learned during the detox is to place my total trust in God for my feelings and not on food whether healthy or not because healthy food can become an issue as well with overeating and not dealing with the emotions being felt. With a much clearer head and more energy, I now know the importance of allowing myself to breathe and to feel my feelings. I so look forward to doing this by making my main focus on my alone time with God and studying scripture to keep gaining more wisdom about his promises for me. May you discover the same sense of hope and peace that can only come from HIM!!!!!